Here is our Christmas House! We are bunkered down waiting to see how much snow we are to get tonight. Rumor has it about 20 inches. Which will be very nice seeing as we have not had a white Christmas where we are for years. Of course, the children are excited and after about an hour of getting them ready to go out in the snow..they lasted all of 15 minutes! Ha!
I am getting my posts ready to catch up! They include fabulous dinners, wonderful company, a few trees, decorations, and of course children! I am preparing to sit back and catch up on The Nester's Holiday House Tour and have some Bailey's whilst under the covers!
Have a great night,
I'm really liking your shutters. Maybe that's what mine needs... Our houses are remarkably similar! Mine is in my header photo!
Hope you and the family had a fabulous Christmas. Can't wait to hear all about it! Do tell!
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