Our Thanksgiving was fantastic. We had relatives come up from Hilton Head, my SIL and her great family. FYI She is also a true preppy and has fabulous taste. We went to visit them last Easter. My children were ecstatic to have their cousins here for the holiday.

As promised, here is a pic of our dining room table scape. We had 10 people to seat as the children were at another table so I kept the decor small so as to fit everything.
Is that awful to love a material object so much? I think I love the promise it holds.
I have been looking for something like this and I am so happy to have found it. The reason being is that I came from a family with not many traditions and I long to create these for my family. I have purchased this tablecloth (and my turkey plates) so that we will start a new tradition for Thanksgiving.
I know..I know..tradition is alot more than things but if you are starting a tradition there is no harm in making it beautiful as well..no?
So I finally started my turkey plate collection. I have wanted to do this for years. But for some reason or another (LIFE) I didn't until this year. The idea came to me again this year when I visited Homegoods (Who doesn't love this store?) and saw the great plates. So I bought enough to get my family started and will try to include another piece or two each year. I would love for one day to have my children remember and be influenced by how beautiful our holidays are. To have them look forward to setting the table each year with our Thanksgiving cloth and plates and come together as a family in thanks. Is this silly?
Anyhoo.. I was very excited to see all the children play tag football in the backyard. They are all finally old enought to play together this way. It was nowhere near organized but they thought it was football and they were having fun! I hope to set up some sort of Turkey Bowl that I read about in some of our great posts. I'd love to set up a parents vs. children tag game as an annual event. Here are some action shots of the big game:
We had a wonderful meal that my husband cooked! I know.. I told you he was Mr. Fantastic! He loooves to cook. Unfortunately, he works late at night so our family benefits from this love on the weekends and holidays when he has the time. And I must say he does put in alot of time and thought into his meal preparation. Here is an example of our feast:
We rounded out the weekend taking all the kids to a movie one day and Sesame Place's Holiday Events (for the younger ones) another day. Everyone had a great time. This one will go down in the books!
More to come!
Thanks so much for sharing. LOVE the plates and cloth, so pretty...you will be so happy you started TRADITIONS. Good for you.
I love your table cloth too! xoxo
Turkey plates????????? I want to cry from envy. The kids will remember that alwasy. UGH why am I so lame.
Thanks for delurking :)
Glad you are back to your blog. Missed you! Did you get my thank you for my wonderful b-day gifts? I think 40 has really put my memory over the edge! If not let me know so I can send you a proper thank you. xo,
I love that photo of all the children on the wall...what great memories they will have- a big happy gang of kids. Love it.
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