Monday, June 23, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008
New to Blog World

This is my big boy. He just finished first grade. He loves all things Star Wars, Spiderman and Ben-10. He desperately wants a brother but after four tries...I think I am done. Sorry SweetBoy!
This is my fourth daughter. Not yet two and quite a handful, we are very busy with her. She is incredibly funny and always makes us laugh as she learns about the world. She is quite the daredevil and holds her own as the fourth.
And my eight month old babe, who is also sweet and funny. Currently learning to crawl...it won't be long until she is running with others.

My Mr. Fantastic! I am truly thankful for this man and everything he does for our family. I love him to pieces.
Well...now posting was not so bad. I hope you don't mind my setting the stage so to speak. I hope to write more about my recovery from motherhood as I reclaim, rediscover and remake myself.
More to come.