The little girls started preschool today. Sweet K. is in the pre-K 4 and Scooter is in the 3's. Everything went well. Except that Scooter is adjusting and is alittle anxious today. Which means she spent the whole half hour we were in the food store (picking out treats for her class), screaming for God knows what reason. I don't like to be the parent to bring screaming children anywhere but I honestly did not see this coming. I have a list of things to do and I'm sorry if I "ruined" any other shoppers of their "quiet" grocery store trip, but I have to get these things done. C'est la vie!
We have just sent the older children off for the first day! It is bittersweet. I love the summers with them yet I love the break that comes with back to school. They needed their routine back and the mental stimulation school brings. I will (do) miss them. Now I am getting ready for the little girls to go for their first day of preschool. Then it is off to bring treats to all of the teachers to kick off a great school year!
BTW, I did send in a cute teacher survey created by Henley on the Horn. We tweaked it a little but I love the idea and hope to get information from the teachers. It is very helpful for teacher gift giving.