I am here. Yes, we have moved. It was stressful. Well, it began with our first set of movers showing up and letting me know they underestimated the job and could.not.move.us. Panic. Then call new movers in yellow pages and ask if they REALLY mean same day moving. Solve mover problem only to find out that our mortgage broker missed a deadline for document release! This equals spending two days bunked up with my husband's family and settling a day later.
Alas, we had a tremendous Christmas and we are very blessed. Everyone is settling nicely into our new home and adjusting to a new routine. Today, I finished painting the babies' "mermaid" room blue. Tomorrow I will get their room back together and hope to take my oldest daughter to pick out her paint color for her new room. I haven't located my USB cable to down load our holiday pics but promise to do so soon. I was able to decorate some for the holidays as well as try out a new garland idea from the Nesting Place. I will never look at my holiday garland the same way.
Anyhoo, time to go soak in the tub.... I hope you all had and continue to have a great holiday!